In fifth grade, students begin to feel like one of the ‘big kids’. The students are often asked to help younger students. Homework is more challenging, and there are more extra-curricular activities.

Students learn Bible stories that relate to their everyday lives. Students are reading sections of the Bible and making application to their own lives. Luther’s Small Catechism is introduced as the beginning of the students’ training for Confirmation. Christ like behavior is taught throughout the day.
Memory Work
Students memorize and recite Bible verses as well as prayers two times per week.
Students develop the ability to comprehend varied genres. The reading program teaches students to make inferences and generalizations. Main ideas and themes are taught and students practice writing their own. Topic research is introduced to begin crafting essays. Students are creating book reports that are oral and project-based.
We place emphasis on learning basic strokes and writing legible. Handwriting is practiced as a part of our phonics and math curriculum as well.
Students are working through multiple step problems in all four areas of math: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Algebraic concepts of fractions, expressions and equations are introduced and practiced. Students practice making change, counting money, and learn how the decimals and fractions are related.
Life, Earth, and Physical Science in the main focus. Life science students are introduced to micro-biology and the parts of the cell and the three parts of cell theory. Taxonomy of living things is also a focus. In Earth science the students learn about the forces that have shaped the surface of Earth: weather, weathering and erosion, oceans and tides, and plate tectonics. The forces of Earth: gravity, water and nitrogen cycles are also introduced.
Social Studies
Students learn about history of the U.
Our students have access to computers, iPads, Chrome Books, and Smartboards on a daily basis. They have technology class two times per week.
- Recess
- Physical Fitness
- Music
- Spanish
- Library
- Art
- Chapel
Choir and Pee-wee Basketball is available to those who want to join. We take field trips to Leaman’s Green Apple Barn, Johnson’s Pumpkin Patch, Baby Acres, and Bay City State Park.

Derek Young
5th/6th Grade Teacher
I teach fifth and sixth grade at Zion and my students call me Mr. Y. This is my sixth year of teaching.
I attended Johnson and Wales University located in Providence, Rhode Island, where I received my teaching certificate for grades Kindergarten through eighth grades, and I am presently attending Concordia, Ann Arbor.
I like working here at Zion and building relationships with our students and their families. I also enjoy teaching my students about Jesus.
When I am not teaching, I love to read, run, and travel. I have been to all 50 states.
My family consists of my wife, Jenny and our to children, Adalyn who is 15 and goes to Valley Lutheran High School and Asher is 5 and is in Kindergarten at Trinity Monitor.
My favorite Bible verse is Seek the Lord and His strength: seek His presence continually. 1 Corinthians: 16:11.
Jesus is the best role model for a teacher. Jesus formed relationships and he loved. Forming relationships with your students and love them is important.